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  3. Save the date for the 1st Seminar on Municipality Audit and 1st annual meeting of the TFMA!

Save the date for the 1st Seminar on Municipality Audit and 1st annual meeting of the TFMA!

3 Май 2017 г.

The State Audit Office of Latvia will be hosting a Seminar on Municipality Audit and the 1st annual meeting of TFMA members.  The seminar and the meeting will take place on 5-6 October in Riga, Latvia. On the eve of the seminar, 4 October, a welcome reception to all participants will be offered, kindly hosted by the SAI of Lithuania.  The seminar will encompass a plenary session, panel discussion with experts and stakeholders and two workshop sessions.

The central theme of the seminar will be “The added value from Supreme Audit Institution audits, conducted in local municipalities”. Also, two workshop sessions will provide practical knowledge on:

1)       optimal and effective methods, tools and channels for cooperation with different stakeholders; and

2)       efficiency, economy and effectiveness criteria of the utilization of local municipality budgets and the role of local municipality development planning documents in the evaluation of efficiency of local municipality activities.

We would be grateful if you could save these dates in your calendar.

More detailed information will follow in due time, including the official invitation letter and the registration form, but you can already consult the preliminary program and the concept note of the seminar. 

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