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  3. The System of Audit Quality Management: Pilots for SAIs

The System of Audit Quality Management: Pilots for SAIs

12 Январь 2023 г.

To build trust, establish credibility and sustain effectiveness of Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), there is a need to ensure quality in the audits carried out by the SAI. Quality refers to the degree to which the audits performed, and reports issued by the SAI comply with professional standards and applicable legal and regulatory requirements, help the SAI in fulfilling its mandate and contribute value.

INTOSAI is currently working on revising ISSAI 140 - Quality Management for SAIs, with plans to move towards a holistic and systemic risk-based approach to quality management. INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) is writing a playbook for supporting SAIs in setting up a System of Audit Quality Management (SoAQM). The playbook is aligned to the requirements of draft ISSAI 140.

The IDI is seeking SAIs who are interested in joining the pilot of the SoAQM to submit ‘Expression of Interests’. For more information, please visit the IDI webpage.

The IDI will also hold open house sessions to provide information about the pilot and answer any questions that you may have. The open house will be held on 27 January at 9:00 CET, and 30 January at 15:00 CET. You may choose any of the schedule and register using the links provided in the IDI webpage.

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