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  3. Good practices in development projects – Meta-assessment of projects within the Effectiveness and Performance Programme

Good practices in development projects – Meta-assessment of projects within the Effectiveness and Performance Programme

Audit Id 1575017089836
Title Good practices in development projects – Meta-assessment of projects within the Effectiveness and Performance Programme
Название на языке оригинала

Kehittämishankkeiden hyvät käytännöt – Vaikuttavuus- ja tuloksellisuusohjelman hankkeiden meta-arviointi


Год 2019

Government Operations (Budget and Spending)

Regulation, Regulators and Competition




Performed by single SAI

оПисания The audit was targeted at the Effectiveness and Performance Programme implemented in 2012–2015 to limit the increase in public spending and to narrow the sustainability gap. The audit identified factors linked with the achievement of the targets set for the projects within the Programme and described both good practices adopted in different projects and problems that were critical in view of the effectiveness of the projects. The problems identified in the projects within the Effectiveness and Performance Programme were related particularly to the preparation and target-setting. The audit revealed that sufficient attention had not been paid to specifying the operations and to target-setting at the initial project phase. The problems found in target-setting are partly explained by the lack of criteria supporting the definition of targets. The audit highlighted the benefits of monitoring in different project phases as well as the need to develop the project monitoring. Monitoring during the implementation phase provided the projects with information that made it easier to steer the implementation, remedy the defects in preparation, and ensure that the project would achieve its targets as well as possible. The audit targeted at the projects within the Effectiveness and Performance Programme has, for its part, highlighted the need for the development of public administration to continue over different government terms.



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Principal Performance Auditor Sami Vuorinen
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