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Результаты Поиска

Title Источник Предмет Год
Departmental Overview: The performance of the Ministry of Justice 2012-13

United Kingdom

Auditing and Financial Management

Justice and Law Enforcement

Departmental Overview: The performance of the Department for Communities and Local Government 2012-13

United Kingdom

Auditing and Financial Management

Communities and Regions

Departmental Overview: The performance of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority 2012-13

United Kingdom

Auditing and Financial Management

Defence and Army

Departmental Overview: The performance of the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs 2012-13

United Kingdom

Auditing and Financial Management

Environment and Natural Resources

Departmental Overview: The performance of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office 2012-13

United Kingdom

International Affairs

Departmental Overview: The performance of HM Revenue & Customs 2012-13

United Kingdom

Auditing and Financial Management

Taxation and Duties

Departmental Overview: The performance of the Department of Energy & Climate Change 2012-13

United Kingdom

Auditing and Financial Management


Environment and Natural Resources

Departmental Overview: The performance of the Department for International Development 2012-13

United Kingdom

Auditing and Financial Management

International Affairs

Departmental Overview: The performance of the Home Office 2012-13

United Kingdom

Auditing and Financial Management

Internal Security

Departmental Overview: The performance of the Cabinet Office 2012-13

United Kingdom

Auditing and Financial Management

Government Operations (Budget and Spending)


890 Результаты .Отображение с 91 до 100

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