Portfolio on Relations with INTOSAI and its Regional Organisations
2017-2021 (from X EUROSAI Congress)
Portfolio’s holder: SAI of Spain (Secretariat).
Portfolio’s objective: The portfolio aims to enhance EUROSAI cooperation with other INTOSAI Regional Organizations by improving the cooperation mechanisms already in place and fostering additional forms of knowledge sharing and cooperation.
Operational Plan: Operational Plan ESP 2017-2023
Key activities:
- To support the Governing Board in promoting an enhanced cooperation with the INTOSAI Regions (ASOSAI, OLACEFS, ARABOSAI, AFROSAI and others when relevant), by formulating proposals in line with the SG 1 of the ESP 2017-2023. Following the EUROSAI Secretariat’s proposal, the Regional Forum on Capacity Development (November 2017) included region-to-region practical knowledge sharing sessions in the INTOSAI-Regions Coordinating Platform meetings. The EUROSAI Secretariat chaired the first of such sessions, in the meeting held in Oslo in June 2018.
- To ensure that effective cooperation links with other INTOSAI Regional Organizations are established for an efficient exchange of experiences and knowledge sharing.
- Make the exchange of knowledge and experiences with the other INTOSAI Regional Organizations a more valuable experience for all parties, by facilitating the exchange of materials and products; sharing list of experts; giving access to databases; offering, when possible, training events, seminars, conferences and joint events.
Project Groups: None so far.
Report to EUROSAI GB (49th meeting, 2018)
Materials and documents:
ToR of Joint Conferences between EUROSAI and ARABOSAI
ToR of Joint Conferences between EUROSAI and ASOSAI
2021-2024 (from XI EUROSAI Congress)
Portfolio’s holder: SAI of Spain (EUROSAI Secretariat)
Portfolio’s objective: the portfolio aims to enhance EUROSAI cooperation with other INTOSAI Regional Organisations by improving the cooperation mechanisms already in place and fostering additional forms of knowledge sharing and cooperation.
This portfolio on “Relations with INTOSAI and its Regional Organisations” is an expanded version of the former one on relations with other INTOSAI Regional Organisations, which was in place from 2017 until 2021. This enlargement of the portfolio’s scope aims to foster and give more visibility to the Organisation’s relations with INTOSAI structures.
Operational Plan: Operational Plan ESP 2017-2024
Key activities:
- The Portfolio will be developed with due coordination with the co-leaders of the EUROSAI Strategic Goals 1 and 2 and will address two guiding principles of the ESP 2017-2024 (Principles 4 and 6).
- To support the relationship between EUROSAI and INTOSAI and its bodies (INTOSAI GB, Secretariat, IDI, IDC, Committees et cetera), ensuring appropriate representation in INTOSAI of EUROSAI interests, representing EUROSAI in INTOSAI and its bodies, and channeling relations between EUROSAI and INTOSAI and its bodies.
- To support the Governing Board in managing and channelling the relations with EUROSAI’s peers in INTOSAI (ASOSAI, OLACEFS, ARABOSAI, AFROSAI and others when relevant), in order to reinforce cooperation by promoting different forms of knowledge sharing and cooperation activities and fostering dialogue and exchange of best practice and experiences in the Fora of INTOSAI Regional Organisations.
- Make the exchange of knowledge and experiences with the other INTOSAI Regional Organisations a more valuable experience for all parties, by facilitating the exchange of materials and products; sharing list of experts; giving access to databases; offering, when possible, training events, seminars, conferences and joint events.
Project Groups: None so far.
Report to EUROSAI GB (58th meeting, 2023)
Materials and documents:
ToR of Joint Conferences between EUROSAI and ARABOSAI
ToR of Joint Conferences between EUROSAI and ASOSAI
ToR of Joint Conferences between EUROSAI and OLACEFS
The EUROSAI-AFROSAI cooperation framework