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  3. EUROSAI-ECIIA cooperation committee established

EUROSAI-ECIIA cooperation committee established

14 janvier 2015

EUROSAI-ECIIA cooperation committee established

Goal Team 2 “Professional standards” is entrusted to implement EUROSAI’s cooperation agreement (2014) with the European Confederation of Institutes of Internal Auditing (ECIIA). For 2014-2017, a range of activities is planned, such as creating a network of SAI-IA contact persons, collecting information on standards implementation and give input for standards revision, or publishing documents and reference cooperation activities through existing websites and publications (see GT2 Operational Plan, key activity 2.3.2).

To implement these activities, EUROSAI (Goal Team 2) and ECIIA have established a “Cooperation committee (CC)” consisting of representatives from the SAIs of Belgium, Germany, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland and Turkey, assisted by the EUROSAI Secretariat, and from the IIA chapters of Spain and United Kingdom & Ireland. Due to the relatively small number of ECIIA representatives in the CC, the number of EUROSAI representatives could not be further extended although several more SAIs expressed their interest. The chair of Goal Team 2 wishes to thank those SAIs as well as the members of the CC for their willingness to support its work.

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