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  3. EUROSAI ITWG launches a new visual identity and prepares for an e-Seminar!

EUROSAI ITWG launches a new visual identity and prepares for an e-Seminar!

16 février 2021

The visual identity of the EUROSAI IT Working Group has undergone a design refresh and the ITWG Chair and Secretariat are proud to present the new ITWG logo and updated website

ITWG members voted between two alternative logo drafts in December 2020 and the version with a world fragment icon emerged as a clear winner. The logo is in line with the general EUROSAI brand and symbolizes a digitally connected world wherein information flows dynamically, and one finds a lot of potential for synergies and cooperation – matching well the vision of the ITWG group.

On 11 May 2021, the ITWG e-Seminar “From Code to Action: SAIs Discovering the World of AI” will be held, hosted online by the ITWG Secretariat. Topics related to algorithms, machine learning and artificial intelligence will be explored with the help of topical keynotes and SAI presenters as well as discussions between members. The event programme and technical instructions will be distributed among the ITWG members closer to the event.

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