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  3. Issue no. 27 of the EUROSAI Magazine is now available in English

Issue no. 27 of the EUROSAI Magazine is now available in English

27 octobre 2023

The 27th edition of the EUROSAI Magazine is now available online at the EUROSAI website.

 In this new edition we have benefited from the valuable contribution of 20 different SAIs and other Regional Organisations and Organs belonging to INTOSAI that have sent articles mainly related to the central topic of this edition "SAIs: in search of citizens' engagement".

 In addition, and among other topics, you will also find information on EUROSAI's activities and on the implementation of its Strategic Plan 2017-2024, as well as an update on the work carried out by EUROSAI Working Groups, Task Force and Network during the period 2022-2023.

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