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  3. Joint Biodiversity Conference of EUROSAI WGEA and the European Court of Auditors

Joint Biodiversity Conference of EUROSAI WGEA and the European Court of Auditors

5 décembre 2019

The 17th Annual Meeting of EUROSAI WGEA was held in Luxembourg in 22-24 October 2019, in conjunction with the Biodiversity Conference hosted by the European Court of Auditors. Biodiversity trends and audit were focused on at the event. Supported by biodiversity experts commissioned by ECA for a separate conference day, over 60 participants from 30 European Supreme Audit Institutions and ECA were actively engaged at the 17th Annual Meeting of EUROSAI WGEA which shortly followed. A number of presentations on relevant audit experiences were heard and delegates were keen to discuss the different challenges and opportunities auditors face when approaching biodiversity issues.
Meeting report is now available.

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