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  3. Outcomes of the online IX. EUROSAI-OLACEFS Joint Conference

Outcomes of the online IX. EUROSAI-OLACEFS Joint Conference

27 octobre 2020

The IX. EUROSAI-OLACEFS Joint Conference was held from the 9th till the 11th of September 2020. It was originally planned to take place in Budapest but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the event was organized virtually.

In close cooperation with the Secretariat of EUROSAI and the OLACEFS Executive Secretariat, the SAO of Hungary has prepared the Outcomes Report on the results of the IX. EUROSAI-OLACEFS Joint Conference. Please, click here to download the Outcomes Report.

The Report discusses the key conclusions of the four panel discussions and the eight workshops, with the help of those e-posters, which have been presented on the final day of the online conference as well.

The paper first discusses the outcomes of “Enhancing Measurement Methodologies” panel, which had been moderated by the IDI. The second chapter enlightens the results of “Public prosecution and anticorruption – Means of prevention and tackling” panel, moderated by the SAO of Hungary, while chapter three and four record what has been said and done during the “SAIs in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda” (moderated by SAI Mexico) and “Media and technology – where SAIs, digitalization and third parties meet” (moderated by SAI Brazil) panels respectively.

As mentioned, conclusions of the eight workshops are also included in the report in a synthetized, informative way, one after the other:

I. Advisory role 1 – Parliament and Congress

II. Advisory role 2 – Auditees, citizens and other parties

III. Indicators and measurement tools

IV. Integrity and anticorruption

V. Public prosecution - Relations with public prosecutor’s offices, prevention and tackling of corruption

VI. Reactive and rapid audit reporting, good practices, digital reporting

VII. Social utilization

VIII. Transparency and digital tools impact

As a main conclusion, all workshop moderators agreed that COVID-19 crisis not only could be viewed as a mayor challenge or disaster, but also as a huge opportunity for SAIs to increase their impact and serve more the arising societal needs. Nowadays capacity building, the extension of adaptive capabilities, reactivity, change management and measuring SAIs’ own performance became more and more crucial for the effective work of SAIs, which has been further provoked and encouraged by the current situation.

Even under the difficult circumstances, “BOOST your IMPACT!” the motto of the conference was proved to be a relevant and up-to-date topic, of which challenges every participant could identify itself, therefore could give valuable insights during the discussions of the online event.


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