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  3. Seminar “Audit of Public Revenues – Exchange of Experience, Problems and Best Practice” will be held in Prague, the Czech Republic from 22 to 24 October 2014. To tailor the seminar to SAIs needs the questionnaire was launched.

Seminar “Audit of Public Revenues – Exchange of Experience, Problems and Best Practice” will be held in Prague, the Czech Republic from 22 to 24 October 2014. To tailor the seminar to SAIs needs the questionnaire was launched.

4 février 2014

Seminar “Audit of Public Revenues – Exchange of Experience, Problems and Best Practice” will be held in Prague, the Czech Republic from 22 to 24 October 2014. To tailor the seminar to SAIs needs the questionnaire was launched.

The seminar is organised by the Supreme Audit Office of the Czech Republic and will be held in Prague, the Czech Republic from 22 to 24 October 2014. It will be focused both on exchange of information about auditing public revenues and on exploration of the issue of auditing of non-tax revenues.

The objectives of the seminar:

1)    Acquaintance with organisation and procedures used by SAIs in the course of auditing public revenues, acquaintance with methods of analysis SAIs used for determination audit fields and this knowledge usage during auditing public revenues;

2)    Exchange of experience of auditing public revenues and sharing the best practice between the participating SAIs;

3)    Exchange of experience of solving problems concerning audits of public revenues.

Please note that the only working language of the seminar will be English. Interpretation into other languages will not be provided.

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