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  3. We encourage contributors to the EUROSAI database of audits to add PDF files as materials, not hyperlinks!

We encourage contributors to the EUROSAI database of audits to add PDF files as materials, not hyperlinks!

16 août 2019

The EUROSAI database of audits has exceeded 2000 recently. We would like to thank all the contributors for their regular update of the documents. Due to the fact that hyperlinks to audit materials may change over time (e.g. when renewing SAI´s website) we would like to encourage all the contributors to add audit materials as PDF files instead. We believe this will be more efficient and practical.

Please add your audit materials, audit reports, summaries, annual reports and joint reports to the EUROSAI database of audits! Let´s make the database of audits a source of inspiration and new ideas for auditors.


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