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  3. X OLACEFS - EUROSAI Joint Conference is about to begin in Mexico from 9 to 11 July

X OLACEFS - EUROSAI Joint Conference is about to begin in Mexico from 9 to 11 July

8 juillet 2024

The Superior Audit Office of the Federation of Mexico will host the X OLACEFS - EUROSAI Joint Conference from 9 to 10 July 2024, in Mexico City, Mexico.

 The motto of the event is “Audits for resilient futures”, a theme that ensures actuality, relevance and an interesting basis for valuable discussions and debates. As the host of the Joint Conference, Mr David Rogelio Colmenares Páramo -Superior Auditor of the Mexican Federation and Executive Secretary of OLACEFS- stressed, resilience is a key concept for the future of societies and institutions.

 Discussions will focus on how SAls can contribute through their work to the construction of a sustainable strategy in their respective countries, and the various threats that they face, such as those arising from natural phenomena and the consequences of climate change.

 The Joint Conference will surely result in fruitful conversations and future cooperation activities among the participating SAIs from Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, providing a strategic space for the exchange of experiences and knowledge, the refinement of methodologies and the enhancement of capacities.

 If you have any questions, you can contact the organisation of the X OLACEFS -EUROSAI Joint Conference at

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