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Bases de données de Produits

La base de données sur les produits contient des informations essentielles et des liens concernant les produits de l'INTOSAI et des Équipes d'objectif, des Groupes de travail, des Task Forces, des ISC et des Commissions de ses Groupes de travail régionaux, issus de sources accessibles au public. Cette base de données a pour objectif de centraliser tous les produits en vue d’une meilleure orientation dans le domaine de l’audit  Par « Produits », nous entendons les publications, les lignes directrices, les manuels, les procès-verbaux des réunions, la documentation générale, etc.

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Résultats de la recherche

Title Nom de fichier Sujet Année
Strategic Activity Plan of the EUROSAI Working Group on the Audit of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes for 2017-2020

WG on the Audit of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes

Environment and Natural Resources

Resolution of the VIIІ of EUROSAI Congress on the extension of the EUROSAI Task Force mandate


International Affairs

Resolution of the IX EUROSAI Congress


International Affairs

Report and proposal to the Eurosai Governing Board and Congress

TF on Audit and Ethics

International Affairs

Joint report on the results of international coordinated audit on protection of the bug river catchment area from pollution (follow-up audit)

WG on the Audit of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes

Environment and Natural Resources

Questionnaire on Contingent Debt

WG on Public Debt

Auditing and Financial Management

Government Operations (Budget and Spending)

Comparative Analysis on Public Debt Regulations

WG on Public Debt

Auditing and Financial Management

Government Operations (Budget and Spending)

Impact of the Working Group on Public Debt's work over INTOSAI community, Mexico

WG on Public Debt

Auditing and Financial Management

Government Operations (Budget and Spending)

International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions 5500-5599 "Guidelines on Audit of Disaster-related Aid

WG on the Audit of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes

Environment and Natural Resources

Experience of conducting the International Coordinated Audit of Public Funds, Allocated to Prevention and Consequences Elimination of Disasters and Catastrophes

WG on the Audit of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes

Environment and Natural Resources


890 résultats .Affichés à partir de 261 à 270

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