Portfolio on Communication
2017-2021 (from X EUROSAI Congress)
Portfolio’s holder: SAI of Latvia
Portfolio’s objective: The scope of the communication portfolio is twofold: firstly to develop a new strategic communication framework and, secondly, to suggest approaches/techniques for monitoring its implementation. Our slogan is: “If you want to reach people you are not currently reaching you are going to have to do things you are not currently doing”.
Operational plan: Operational Plan ESP 2017-2023
Key activities: To develop the new strategic communication framework of EUROSAI.
Project Groups: None so far.
Materials and documents: Portfolio description
2021-2024 (from XI EUROSAI Congress)
Portfolio’s holder: SAI of Spain (EUROSAI Secretariat), as leader of the Portfolio, with the cooperation of the SAI of Israel (1st Vice-Presidency of EUROSAI), as co-leader.
Portfolio’s objective: the objective of the portfolio is to promote increased member participation and extend the value of EUROSAI’s activities among its members and other stakeholders through enhanced communications.
Operational plan: Operational Plan ESP 2017-2024
Key activities: development of the Communication Framework and standardisation of the main communication procedures; relaunch of the new website; review of the magazine; launch of a newsletter; creation of a YouTube channel and other social media and tools with EUROSAI contents; creation or update of EUROSAI welcome packages for newcomers; promotion of EUROSAI though a “communication package” and develop of a kit with resources for an enhanced communication.
Project Groups:
- Project Group for the “Relaunch of EUROSAI’s Website”
Report to EUROSAI GB (58th meeting, 2023)
Report to EUROSAI GB (61st meeting, 2024)
Report to EUROSAI Congress (XII EUROSAI Congress)
Materials and documents: